






Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cara menghilangkan icon panah pada shortcut desktop

Mungkin tidak banyak orang yang merasa terganggu dengan tampilan dari desktop dengan icon panah shortcut. Namun bagaimana bila icon panah tersebut hilang?. Maka desktop akan tampak lebih bersih dan lebih menawan.

Berikut ini adalah contoh dari desktop saya yang telah saya bersihkan icon shortcutnya :)

Terlihat lebih bersih kan? berikut ini tahap-tahapnya:

1. Masuk ke run (windows+r)
2. Ketik regedit
3. Double klik pada HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
4. Tekan "ln" pada keyboard, dan anda akan diarahkan pada lnkfile
5. Pada kolom sebelah kanan, terdapat registry IsShortcut, klik dan tekan F2 untuk melakukan rename
6. Tambahkan huruf "s", sehingga akan menjadi IsShortcuts
7. Kembali ke kolom sebelah kiri, klik di sembarang tempat dan tekan "pif" sehingga anda akan menuju ke HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/piffile
8. Di sebelah kanan,terdapat lagi registry IsShortcut
9. Lakukan hal yang sama seperti pada "lnklife"
10. Restart PC anda dan lihat hasilnya

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Game Booster V2.1 Pluss Crack

Bagi para gamers, mungkin software ini sudah tidak asing lagi ditelinga mereka. Ya, ini adalah Game Booster. Suatu software yang mampu meningkatkan performa PC dalam bermain game. Cara kerja dari Game Booster sendiri adalah dengan cara menonaktifkan beberapa program yang berasal dari system yang dalam kondisi sleep, sehingga mampu melepas beban dai RAM.

Silahkan download software Game Booster disini

untuk cracknya, silahkan pilih satu diantara serial number dibawah ini:


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Home Business is EASY

Everybody like money, we can't avoid it.
But how to get money while you are very busy with your daily activities?. There are many ways to solve this problem, like this :

1. Internet affiliate marketing
Internet affiliate marketing covers the majority of the home-based business types. It is because this system will surely offer you a great sum of earnings over time. In the event that someone informs you they have made more than $10,000 last month performing affiliate marketing, don't giggle off believing they're putting you on. It is true. Come up with a study regarding how real people generate income through affiliate marketing so you may even state that you can do this on your own.

2. Taking surveys
Once again, do not laugh if someone informs you that they're paid for frequently performing simple surveys. Did you know that many businesses are spending a great deal simply to have the opinions from a common merchandise consumer? Major producing companies seek the services of research firms so they would know the message from the public. Will you be more determined to complete a 6 page survey once you know you will be compensated $5 for this? So now, let's say you respond to 10 of these each day? Are you aware just how much you will make in a one month's period? And all of this for just having to spend less than one hour each day!

3. Pay per click advertising and marketing - quite a lot of web masters these days are generating a nice income with their websites. For example, use google adsense. This will help you to earn some cash. Fortunaty you still can get your cash while you are sleep.

source ezinearticles

Mac For Gaming?

A few days ago, my friend ask to me is she possible to playing a game in her mac laptop?. I said, Yes of course, all kind of laptop does.
But where we can find great and cool game for Mac?

Here we go,all mac games download process is completely free? So what are you waiting for? Just go on http://downloadfreemacgames.com/ now to get a selection of virtual games like Bejeweled, The Curse of Oz, Cradle of Rome 2, Soap Opera Dash, Christmas Wonderland, Life Quest, Spider man 2, The Witch's Prison, Mysteries of Magic Island and many more. You can review games and stand a chance to win ten full version games.

Search everything you need for playing.

Thank's guys ^_^

Earns Some Cash from Old dash

Have u tired for managing your old things? Such as book, computer parts, or something else?

Here i got tips to earn cash from them.

Repair it then available for rent.
Some stuff like computer parts is a good potential kind if you want to rent them. Go for some repairing, then rent it. You will never knows what will be happens if you don't want to try.

Sell it to a friend or relative
If your old stuff is in great condition, and you have received the latest mobile as a gift, you could consider selling the mobile to a friend or relative. They will be more than happy to buy the seldom used mobile phone at reduced and discounted rates from you.

And many more that still stored on your imagination. So keep try a new style to improve your self.



Its Hard to be A Programmer?

Programming is widely regarded by most non-technical people as being incredibly difficult to learn and understand, and is only for super geniuses or geeks. While there is some validity in that programming can be rather difficult, it is not a super hard practice that takes months or years to learn. Of course, practice makes perfect, and those added months and years can help you to refine your programming skills and be a better programmer, but starting to learn is not difficult and anyone with internet access and a computer can do it.

Many programming courses in school would have you start learning by doing Visual Basic or C#, or some other relatively simple to learn and easy to grasp language. Programming experts disagree, and believe that students or people willing to learn should start with a high-level language such as C++ or Java, to get concepts of Object Oriented Programming, known as OOP, and understand classes, methods, and objects.

It is best to learn with technical books, as they are typically quite comprehensive, and have various exercises to work on, examples, and snippets of code to look over. They are, however, typically quite expensive, ranging in prices of twenty dollars to over sixty dollars. This may deter quite a few people and force them to learn from the Internet. While this is not a bad approach, per-say, you will not get the same learning experience that you would get out of a technical book from your bookstore or local library.

And the most part that i think very useful is, keep learning and also stay focus on what programming language that you want to. For example, if you choose Java language, so you must keep study on it. I do belive that all of you may become a great programmer in future.
Who knows?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?
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